'You see the truth of the situation when talking to talking to strangers'
Well, was on the way back in a cab from clark quay with Reuben and Rose. Well, we had just dropped rose off when the taxi driver had wondered why we had dropped her off first (considering that it would have been more practical to have dropped Reuben and I first). He went on to talk about how he had problem trying to get passengers as he was black!
Before I am called a racist and someone who is out to destroy the social fabric of our society, it was he who had said that. Anyways, he had mention that passengers were afraid to ride the cab and were scared that they would get "raped" and "something bad would happen to them". I am not kidding! he had said that.
That got me to ponder about the gravity of his claim and how reliable it is. To think about it, if there were such incidents mentioned by him, it would mean that there is actually no racial cohesion, instead there is only mere tolerance and each race is suspicious of each other. I mean, everyone be it Indian, Chinese, Malay, Japanese or African are all out to make a decent living and we shld not prevent this beacuse we carry with us a stigma about how each race is. In the words of Martin luther King, Jr, we should judge someone "by the color of their skin, but on the content of their character".
Thus the message for today is:
We cannot carry with us a stigma of a person, it is a huge breach of human rights and that would ruin the social fabric of our society. So if you are a Chinese, jump into a taxi with a Indian cab driver, If you are an Indian, jump into a Cab with a Chinese cab driver. Let us not have stereotypes guide our actions, but instead, let us go in the belief of trusting one's character and not on his/her race.