Friday, December 22, 2006

This Christmas...

Well, christmas is around the corner and as expected, we are all rushing about buying presents and doing some shopping. But at this time of the year, can we not forget what is most important here. No it is not the spirit of giving or the idea of celebrating the nativity (YES they are important and all).

But what is the single most important thing is the idea of coming together as a family unit and thanking whichever god you belive in for a wonderful year and how he/they have been gracious to you and protected you for the past 360 days of the year.
No, it is not the time for you to be going out with your friends and getting pissed drunk and mistake your flushed nose to be Rudolf. But it is a time to sincerly look back and well, appreciate it.

Christmas is here and to me there is more to it then just presents and gifts. It should be a time for rememberance. For christians, it is to remember someone who gave his life for you. For others, it is a time to remember people who would give their life for you. It is a time to take stock on the quality of your life and be thankful for it. Just for this day let us not chase ambitions and goals without first taking time to look back and reminisece about the goals that we have accomplished

So this christmas, let us not get wild and over the top, let us not use the excuse of a mistletoe for a free kiss and let us not think christmas is some lightshow that makes Orchard rd more pretty (although it is not the case this year). Let us instead appreciate the friends and appreciate the love bestowed on us.


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