Monday, January 21, 2008

One Circle

And so it is, 4 days remaining and there goes my freedom. It makes sense that this post is here, considering that you don't miss something until it is really gone. Think about this analogy: One day you do something wrong and your mum bans you from going out. Then being grounded and made to stay at home suddenly becomes sad and depressing. This is even though you have not been going out for the past few days and have been having a jolly good time at home.

You see when one is robbed of a certain liberty, he/she begins to treasure it even more. Its human nature I guess. Well I certainly feel this depression and sadness, as army will rob me of this freedom. The point I am trying to drive is this, do appreciate and treasure whatever you have now. I know that this will probably sound corny and seem like one of life's great quotes. But in actual fact this cannot be nearer to the truth. We go through our daily innings in life without seriously appreciating what she bears. We are so focused on tomorrow that we neglect today(another famous quote). Think about it, can you remember what you have done today or yesterday? Have we once stopped to think about the wonderful things that happened in life. Like how we witnessed acts of kindness in the office or school. When was the last time that you enjoyed a sunset?

If the answer to these questions are blanks, then its time for a serious reevaluation of our life. Although it is good to have a life driven by profits and other material trappings. How can we just use statistics and bankbooks to judge the overall satisfaction that we get. How can we say that Donald Trump is happier and leads a more meaningful life than a monk? Well, we cant. Going back to my point, its time we begin to treasure Life more. Take the time to reflect on what happened during the day. Ask yourself how your day went, and try to take note of the wonderful things that happened to you and around you. Treasure it. With all the bad news in this world, we can do with some positive reinforcement.

So I wrap this up this post feeling more refreshed and less dreading army, after all like life, maybe I will find happiness there. Maybe the army will bring more life stories to learn from and fond memories to cherish.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Alright, one good post deserves a another eh. So this is dedicated to my friend, my loyal dog and in the eyes of Mr Loh, my gay buddy. Jerome. You have been there with me for at least the last one year and ten months, and I have to admit it has been a blast. Unlike you I remembered the first time I met you. We were auditioning for choir. For us it was a chance to get into ACJC. For you it was a breeze, singing and melodies came naturally to you. For me, it was sheer desperation, thus the unpolished gem joke. Anyhow yes, we both made it back but definitely through different means. You through singing, me through sheer favor.

And lo and behold we ended up in the same class. So it began a wonderful friendship. It seemed that we had gyming as a similar past time and that's how we got to know each other. I guess, spotting for someone did create trust and always being late for lesson due to gyming had the same profound effect.

Yes, even though you take my food all the time and continuously make fun of me and Sheranne, it somehow got us closer. Yes, you had your fair share of jokes of your flamboyant love life, although I doubt the girl you had in secondary school was any thing but buoyant. Hahaha. It was good to have you in math lessons and lectures, firstly cause your math was pretty good and cause you always had food with you. Especially during J1. Lessons were fun too, you were always a wonderful photo opportunity. You don't know the amount of times I have you sleeping in everything from GP to lit to math. Of course your clumsy manner and your proneness to be the butt of the jokes made it good fun. Remembered you had your pants the wrong way during PE? I still have the picture.

So even after graduation, we are still tight. And I guess that I am blessed to have you as a friend and I hope that you feel the same too. So here's to a wonderful friendship and one that will grow when we go to the army. Here's to mutual acquaintances turning into profound friendship.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Muse

Some people have told me that my blog is different and that it is not like your normal blog. Well, thank you for that. I take that as a great complement. Let me dedicate this post to talk about my inspiration for the subjects that I talk about on this page.

Well firstly, Inmysense was created to serve as a mirror to my life-obviously. But more importantly, it served as a vessel to express my frustrations at certain happenings around the world and to express my anger at the criminality over some vile and heinous acts against society on the whole. Posts such as 'confessions of a taxi driver', 'while I was being educated', 'somethings very wrong when you need to be educated by an 18 year old', etc. All serve as a foil to reveal the lack of etiquette, the struggles of the individuals in society and the lack of a positive in the world. I hope to create a human face and reveal to you that the situations such as poverty, lack of mannerisms, war,etc are all real and that they are affecting people and that they are not just statistics that you read in the papers. Breeding Humanity.

Secondly, I had created the blog with the intention of it not being just solely a narrative of my life. I mean do people really want to read a page where I tell you what I had for breakfast, lunch and dinner, what color underwear I wore or who I think is a bitch. Well, I don't think that is the case. Either way, I wanted the post to have a meaning behind it. Basically there is a moral to all the post and provide more commentary as oppose to a plain narration. This probably explains the lack of post that I have, it is not so much that I don't have anything to say as oppose to me having nothing meaningful to say.

I guess these are the 2 founding principles of my blog. Thus the name, inmysenses.

The Reeling Return to Reality

After much practice, the key pad now feels a whole lot better and more familiar, thus I will attempt to post another article.

Well, the army epiphany has smacked me again and voila! Its going to happen in about seven days! Whoah that was fast, the last thing I remembered was having finished that literature exam and thinking :"Now, I have all the time in the world to rest and relax". Well I guess time does fly when you are having fun- even as cheesy as that saying goes.

Well the 2 months of complete freedom, where I need not worry about another year in school, doing holiday homework, or listen to the incessant nagging of my parents have sadly come to an abrupt halt. The whirlwind months have a been wonderful and have proved to be productive in a spiritual and social sense- not so much the monetary. Life was good. Yet, like an extended holiday, it is time that I get back on the plane and depart back to the real life. Army heralds and so does university for the girls and all those other work and world related 'mundanes'. Nevertheless always the more, these are inevitable and I am beginning to try and embrace it. These 2 months of unbridled freedom will come to a close and its back to black. Where black represents the dull, monotonous and those incessant nagging.

I am smitten by the on rushing kaleidoscope that we all know so well as life. The friends, the work, the social life and the personal life has all been jumbled and contorted into this one image that we go through day after day. Yet, we brave through it day after day, trying to make sense of the unfamiliar and pretending to pass it of as the familiar. I am now re-entering this kaleidoscope where everything is jumbled and there is no clarity and only filled with ambiguity. The traditional black and white have been replaced with the thousands of hues in between.

Oh my, its more depressing than I thought. Its time like these when the belief of a greater being that controls your life provides a relief. O help me, God.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Darn Com

Ahh good to be back in Singapore! I have just came back from amazing HONG KONG where the shopping was great, and the food even better. Wonderful place to be in, sadly I can't show you any photos now, my com is down and I am reduced to using a laptop that had won a good design award 10 years ago. Well, the days are slowly ticking by, and army apprehension is kicking in. Do I really need to waste 2 years of my life doing this? will I fit in? well the questions are endless, just like the endless worries I have.

Well, I guess all I can do is suck it up. Anyhow due to my fingers aching from typing on this minuscule key pad, I will keep the post brief. See you

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Welcome to 2008. The beginning of the new year. A year that promises to be more exciting, more intriguing and most of all greener (army that is). Mostly everyone else will probably be telling you what they resolve to do in 2008 and how they want to become smarter, nicer, etc. But the question is, do you really need a new year to do all these things? Anyhow to just get into the season of things, I will be one of these mindless people too. So here is my resolutions for the year 2008:

1. I resolve to not change too much in the army.
I know how they say that upon going to the army one becomes like the hooligan on the street. So I resolve that I wont turn up to become like those vulgar and expletive spouting individual. Its not good for my rep. Not healthy too, makes me look so uncouth.

2.I resolve never to smoke or do drugs.
OK this is a follow up of my previous goals that I had set in December. But no drugs or smoking for me. Its too physically damaging to be good. Too expensive too. Well yea so no drugs or smoking! NEVER.

3. I resolve to keep closer contact with my friends.
This has been already emphasized in my post 'connecting people' but it serves best to be reminded. Anyhow so to all my JC mates, watch out! we will be catching up real soon.

4. I resolve to make more money!
-Self explanatory-

Alright that what I can think of now, will add more when I can think of more. After all one does not need a new year to change.