Monday, January 21, 2008

One Circle

And so it is, 4 days remaining and there goes my freedom. It makes sense that this post is here, considering that you don't miss something until it is really gone. Think about this analogy: One day you do something wrong and your mum bans you from going out. Then being grounded and made to stay at home suddenly becomes sad and depressing. This is even though you have not been going out for the past few days and have been having a jolly good time at home.

You see when one is robbed of a certain liberty, he/she begins to treasure it even more. Its human nature I guess. Well I certainly feel this depression and sadness, as army will rob me of this freedom. The point I am trying to drive is this, do appreciate and treasure whatever you have now. I know that this will probably sound corny and seem like one of life's great quotes. But in actual fact this cannot be nearer to the truth. We go through our daily innings in life without seriously appreciating what she bears. We are so focused on tomorrow that we neglect today(another famous quote). Think about it, can you remember what you have done today or yesterday? Have we once stopped to think about the wonderful things that happened in life. Like how we witnessed acts of kindness in the office or school. When was the last time that you enjoyed a sunset?

If the answer to these questions are blanks, then its time for a serious reevaluation of our life. Although it is good to have a life driven by profits and other material trappings. How can we just use statistics and bankbooks to judge the overall satisfaction that we get. How can we say that Donald Trump is happier and leads a more meaningful life than a monk? Well, we cant. Going back to my point, its time we begin to treasure Life more. Take the time to reflect on what happened during the day. Ask yourself how your day went, and try to take note of the wonderful things that happened to you and around you. Treasure it. With all the bad news in this world, we can do with some positive reinforcement.

So I wrap this up this post feeling more refreshed and less dreading army, after all like life, maybe I will find happiness there. Maybe the army will bring more life stories to learn from and fond memories to cherish.

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