Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Well I have been dodging blogging for some time now. Its a bit difficult to describe this love hate relationship that I have with inmysenses.

On one hand I simply cannot enough of get the sheer bliss of exorcising whatever angst and inner demons that I have suppressed in my life. Yet, I can't bear to sit in front of my computer and perform this ritual. For you entertainment buffs, its like watching GOSSIP GIRL and not wanting the know the ending. On one hand, you want to watch what happens to Serena and our all so innocent Dan, yet you don't really want to see that happy ending. You feelin' me?

Well, like Gossip Girl, I cannot take it no more.The unknown and yet uncontrollable urge to blog has taken over. So here I am.

So, my parents have been gone for more than a week now and I must say solitude is not all such a bad thing. The harsh silence of the house has become a rather sweet melody that I enjoy humming to. Only to be broken by the smokey voices of Mrs Fitzgerald and Mr Sinatra, this is my version of a quantum amount of solace. Well I must say that this hiatus has been good for me to contemplate life in general.

I am gravid with thoughts and ideas. I am smitten by melancholy. I think its high time that I really reconnect with my friends I have met over the years. The Emerald City is a festering ground for failed relationships. Also, I have been thinking of becoming more laid back, I guess articles that quote stress as the major contributor to the common illness, has flash-backed and dawned on me. So here I am trying to me nice and more laid back. Ironically enough, its pretty stressful to change myself. (RAWR)

So now, as my purging is near complete, I guess this parent-less has been nothing short of interesting. Ideas in hand and resolve carelessly left behind, I venture forward to life. Thankfully I got God to help me. Can't see myself venturing into this without some divine intervention.

(In the spirit of Gossip Girl)

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