Monday, October 30, 2006

Confessions of a Cab Driver

'You see the truth of the situation when talking to talking to strangers'

Well, was on the way back in a cab from clark quay with Reuben and Rose. Well, we had just dropped rose off when the taxi driver had wondered why we had dropped her off first (considering that it would have been more practical to have dropped Reuben and I first). He went on to talk about how he had problem trying to get passengers as he was black!

Before I am called a racist and someone who is out to destroy the social fabric of our society, it was he who had said that. Anyways, he had mention that passengers were afraid to ride the cab and were scared that they would get "raped" and "something bad would happen to them". I am not kidding! he had said that.

That got me to ponder about the gravity of his claim and how reliable it is. To think about it, if there were such incidents mentioned by him, it would mean that there is actually no racial cohesion, instead there is only mere tolerance and each race is suspicious of each other. I mean, everyone be it Indian, Chinese, Malay, Japanese or African are all out to make a decent living and we shld not prevent this beacuse we carry with us a stigma about how each race is. In the words of Martin luther King, Jr, we should judge someone "by the color of their skin, but on the content of their character".

Thus the message for today is:
We cannot carry with us a stigma of a person, it is a huge breach of human rights and that would ruin the social fabric of our society. So if you are a Chinese, jump into a taxi with a Indian cab driver, If you are an Indian, jump into a Cab with a Chinese cab driver. Let us not have stereotypes guide our actions, but instead, let us go in the belief of trusting one's character and not on his/her race.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Lady that changed my life....

It seems that the reality of life always hit at the most awkward of moments. I was waiting for melodie and alyssa today at the mrt station. Then I say this lady walk right up to the dust bin, stuck her hand in and started pulling out all the newspapers and laying them on the ground! Believe me, I was shocked. It's not everyday that you tend to see people doing what she just did. I had kindda felt rather disgusted and yet rather sorry for that poor lady.

Anyways, she had took the newspapers and had rearranged them, placing them in neat stacks and she tried to make sure that the papers were clean and new. Well, after awhile of digging and stacking, she left-this is when the reason for this post kicks in. Well, she was walking whilst a young lady brushed past and dropped her purse or something and unknowingly walked on. Well, this lady who had just stuck her hand into the dustbin, picked it up, caught up her and gave it back to her!

I guess this ancedote draws up the idea of moral fiber and the values we value in our life. Imagine if you had to stick your hand into dustbins for a living and to make ends meet. Would you have the conviction and the moral courage to give back a purse that could well hold enough cash to get you by for a week? maybe even 2? I guess that her chacracter of being upright and honest is a true acid test of a person.

It is not the money or the cars, it is the morality that one displays. Come to think of it, some rich people are too scheming to even return back the purse.Yet, this lady who is struggling to have 3 meals a day can. It then begs the question as to what is becoming of us. Moreover, it also allows us to reflect on how fortunate we are.

At that time, I was listening to Chris Botti on my new NANO and at the instant, that lady was picking newspapers out of the dustbin! I think that I need to be more appreciative of the life presented to me and how we must cherish it.

Coming back to morals, we should take a leaf out of the pages of this lady, I do not know her name, but I know her character and her purity of heart. I know that she is financially poor, but spititually rich. Some of you may say that she is a fool and that money talks. But well, I do not think that money talks all the time. It caves in to morals and moreover, spiritual and mental fortitude. What can you do with all the money in the world when you are running away from your inner self? It is senseless and downright sad.

Well I guess that is all for now, time for me to sleep and reflect more on this incident that has well changed my day.

Friday, October 27, 2006


Sigh. You know how sometime, you just need to deal with your loses and move on in life? Well, I guess it is easier said then done. After a whitewash with 1sc3's frisbee team, we were really on the brink of endlessness. Not to mention that this was coupled with our wonderful promotional results that in my case, contained no vowels. I guess that was bittersweet, considering that the vowels would have spaned both sides of grade range.

Anyhow, it was pretty good for the class though. We all got promoted!! but then again, it is not the destination that counts but the road to it that mattered. Although we did make it to J2, we had just scrapped through, and it was far from a good performance. None the less, it calls for a bit of celebraTION and fun. Sigh, easier said than done.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Unguarded Serendipity... by =ProsePetals

A little something to emphasize my day:

In a breath of gently spoken words of truth
over shades of softest honesty revealing
to the return waxed exhalation of smoke
and the tap-dancing rhythm of anticlimax.

a tempestuous reality of words
that never should have been spoken
from a heart that was meant to be broken
time and time and time after time

As the smooth, cool blade of subtle irony
cuts through the texture of my blitheness
so jealously guarded and unwittingly
and carelessly spent in a moment of candor.

and a wild and dangerous spirit
that takes greater risks than prudence
would ordinarily allow, in past tense
and will never be present tense again

Initial token sensation of anger and frustration
at a slip of otherwise untouchable lips, a sweet
transition of unexpected liberty for by missing
the words for reasons undisclosed yet known…

when strains of violin refrains in softest
tones of languid, sanguine yesterdays
that no longer exist, can’t find their way
into today, and really, that’s more than okay

You casually and caustically set me free
from the chains that held me so close to your
heart and the secrets that my own keeps are held
in the dark and quiet place where serenity sleeps…

when silence is voluminous and
irony is luminous, and everything else
just falls away and nothing matters
more than the quiet times of simplicity

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ho hummm....

Today was one of those ho hum days. But I did manage to catch 'the Prestige' though. It was throughly entertaining and managed to maintain the suspense to the very end. Sadly, like an exhausted plot, the play ended with only many dead people and a twisted web of logic. 2 important lessons were learnt tho:
1. The pursuit of Greed and Power can lead to a great man's downfall.
2. Sometimes, the simplest of reasons are the correct answer.

However, what struck me today was when I was on the bus. I saw this old lady with a diamond encrusted watch. She was also adorned with jewellry. It had set me thinking: what must I do to enjoy such luxuries when I'm Older? When will I be able to enjoy these things? Then, I guess I had an epiphany!

I need to study harder!

You must be wondering about the link, but it just struck me. After that, I had lapsed into one of those melancholic moment all the way home. I was seeing but I was not processing,my mind was stagnant and my vision was just a blur of lights. This was how I ended another of those ho humm days.

Parting thoughts: Man also want to grab what he cannot grasp.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

More thoughts....

Today is the Deepavali. like any other Saturday, I was lazing around again. Nothing productive was done. AGAIN. Nonetheless, heard that MM Lee was visting Las Vegas. Guess he had wanted to see the peril and the destruction that the Intergrated Resort (a nicer name for Casino) was about to knell.

Once again no good news about the world to report, people are still dying and the world is getting filled with vices, corruption and clueless people. Just heard from the news that some Indonesians did not know that we were suffering from the haze. I mean, How STUPID can someone get. It just goes to show the ampathy tht is in this world. I would not have expected such ampathy to something that adversly affects them.

Moving on, I entered my account and realized that the account was in Chinese! worse of all, I don't eveb know how to change it back to English. although I am supposedly bilingual, I am finding it hard to navigate through the blog. Sigh. I guess this would be all for now, till next time....


Friday, October 20, 2006


Not gonna say much now... Just wondering how about life and it's meanin. You know how we all go about our daily ramblings with out ever considering the meaning and the significance of it. We should enjoy life and to do that, it would meant that we need to understand it and love every aspect of it. But that again is another random thought for you to ponder on.... I mean, it is not as though there is a deeper meaning to the brushing of yr teeth.

Srijith asked is there was anything abt him, so being the welfare person which I am, i'm going to squeeze him in. He is a nice guy and 'adaptable' (private joke). Anyways, If you are reading this, you need to put in more effort!

OK then nothing really left to say, besides kindda tipsy with all the VODKA now...


After the subtle pressure and influence of my schoolmates and the sudden pang of getting thoughts out of my head, I have started a blog! I guess now is the time to give you a little about my self. Well, I am rather thick headed, cynical and quirky. I am a Volatile,impatient and I hope funny person to be around with. I hate Mondays and I hate Sundays(it's the eve of the day I hate).

Well, I like to chill alot and gym (gotta burn those fats off), Anyhow, I like meeting people and playing pool and really hanging out in coffee joint . Any activity to take off the stress from my mind is a good activity.

I have a fatal addiction to chocolates (that is why I need the gym),watches and handphones. I love to Slack, and well to enjoy the finer things in life (wadever they maybe) I have a habit of infactuations (loads) and insulting people and I have a spelling problem too(as you will discover along the course of this blog's existence). I am a cynical person and don't really see the good things in life but rather zoom in on faults(quite nihilistic actually) and how sucky the world is getting and how fares are going up and how life is getting $$$.

I love flying and the feeling of putting my life in the hands of a man whom I have never seen b4 and may be an extra in brokeback moutain for all I know and my trust in pieces of metal nailed together by a company called Boeing...(worst still! I just found out SIA uses CHina pilots! now everything is 'made in China') Well, I want to live an eventful life feeling that if I do die tomorrow, my life had been colorful, meaningful and well, worth it (very Singaporean). I also like to know what is going on in the world (life would be so meaningless if you do not know about how bad your life is or how worst it could be). I want to know when I die so that I can at least mark it down and F**K the world before I leave.

I think that love is a fictitious state of great passion, pain, sadness and leaves you hoping tantalus. That does not mean that I don't want it mind you...But really it is an emotion that is so hard to compass, but yet so apparent in our world.

I love Ironies. More so if they are cruel ( I told you I was mysogynistic).

I want my epithat to read: "He died, Everyone gave a F**K" ( it does not a rocket scientist to tell that I am rather vulgar, but that is if you could be bothered to read this far). Finally I'm a person that either makes or breaks your day and for your sake I hope it is the former. I am true to myself and have no qualms about bitching you in the face.

I guess that is a short intro about myself and contary to the URL of this website, This blog would be anything but 'in my sense' it would be wild crazy and may end up like Mr Brown's column (which I do hope he gets back). So signing off for now.

See ya (whoever u may be)