Well, the last time I did this, all was well in the realm of taxi fares. Flag down rate was $2.50 and ever 200m or more was a beautiful 10 cents. But now, Oh my the balance has been disturbed. the dark tide of flag down rates at $2.80 and every 325m at a whopping 20 cents have decended in a austere cloud of darkness. Cab companies have been forced to turn to the dark side. Led by none other than oligopoly leader Comfort 'Darth-gro'. Together they have teamed up spreading pain and havoc into the leather wallets of commuters. Its clone army of Toyotas and other Japanese manufactured cars have enslaved the commuters leaving them with only 3 choices, Pay up, settle for public transport or learn to drive.
I had the pleasure of taking and talking to a cab uncle today, and I must say, he remained rather undecided as to the outcome of this new hike. When I talked to him, I asked him for his thoughts. He initially thought that it was a good initiative and allow him to make more money. But when I probed further, he admitted that NTUC should reduce the rental which is $94 a day-cabbies on average make $82 a day. A complete contradiction to his initial assertion!
I guess his reactions is reflected in almost all of us- commuters and cab drivers. We are profoundly confused at this new hike. What was the initial problem that allowed for this scheme to be sanctioned? Was it the rentals or the lacks of cabs in the CBD during peak hours?. Next, did it address the problem? would increasing fares solve the CBD issue indefinitely? would it mean that cabbies will find it more lucrative to be cabbies? Finally, if it does not solve the problem, then what exactly is the hike based on? This conundrum seems barely to be addressed, let alone explained.
So where do I go from here, I am about to reach my place. I asked the driver one last question. What should I do. He tells me to voice my concerns and let the needs of the commuters and drivers be heard. I got home and thought about it, and this is what I derived:
To whoever is reading this, please do something to change the new policy. If not, at least try to voice out the concerns you feel (and I know you have concerns). Don't remain apathetic and think that 'the world will never listen to me, so I will just watch it spin and do nothing.' This mentality will only make you a mindless clone who is completely passive. The fact of the mater is that you do make a difference. Like voting, every vote counts. Just look at the recent election, the PAP had a marginal victory over the workers party. That has completely got to do with the hundred of so votes that were cast. Emphasizing the power you yield.
I for one will now take this lying down. I am currently designing a shirt that will probably say :
"Will rather walk that accept exorbitant hikes". Don't get me wrong, I am not a political dissident. I just think that the message that this sudden and rapid hikes need to be addressed and not brushed aside.
Ok, this has been another episode of confessions of a cab driver. My young padawans, even though the dark side is strong, the force certainly can challenge it. Take heed, you must. Voice your concerns, you will. May the force of pro activeness be with you.
I had the pleasure of taking and talking to a cab uncle today, and I must say, he remained rather undecided as to the outcome of this new hike. When I talked to him, I asked him for his thoughts. He initially thought that it was a good initiative and allow him to make more money. But when I probed further, he admitted that NTUC should reduce the rental which is $94 a day-cabbies on average make $82 a day. A complete contradiction to his initial assertion!
I guess his reactions is reflected in almost all of us- commuters and cab drivers. We are profoundly confused at this new hike. What was the initial problem that allowed for this scheme to be sanctioned? Was it the rentals or the lacks of cabs in the CBD during peak hours?. Next, did it address the problem? would increasing fares solve the CBD issue indefinitely? would it mean that cabbies will find it more lucrative to be cabbies? Finally, if it does not solve the problem, then what exactly is the hike based on? This conundrum seems barely to be addressed, let alone explained.
So where do I go from here, I am about to reach my place. I asked the driver one last question. What should I do. He tells me to voice my concerns and let the needs of the commuters and drivers be heard. I got home and thought about it, and this is what I derived:
To whoever is reading this, please do something to change the new policy. If not, at least try to voice out the concerns you feel (and I know you have concerns). Don't remain apathetic and think that 'the world will never listen to me, so I will just watch it spin and do nothing.' This mentality will only make you a mindless clone who is completely passive. The fact of the mater is that you do make a difference. Like voting, every vote counts. Just look at the recent election, the PAP had a marginal victory over the workers party. That has completely got to do with the hundred of so votes that were cast. Emphasizing the power you yield.
I for one will now take this lying down. I am currently designing a shirt that will probably say :
"Will rather walk that accept exorbitant hikes". Don't get me wrong, I am not a political dissident. I just think that the message that this sudden and rapid hikes need to be addressed and not brushed aside.
Ok, this has been another episode of confessions of a cab driver. My young padawans, even though the dark side is strong, the force certainly can challenge it. Take heed, you must. Voice your concerns, you will. May the force of pro activeness be with you.
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