Sunday, November 12, 2006


I am once again suffering from a relapse of my melancholic mood again. So here comes another life questioning post:

Well, the past few days have set me thinking, can there ever be one side to a person? Can a person remain what he/she is for the rest of his/her life? Can we as human beings even remain true to the closest person that we know. Ourselves.
I was thining, the blog is a far cry from my outer personality, yet it is me. However, the outer personality is also who I am. Thus I am faced with a conundrum. Which should I be? Myself or myself?Have any of you reading this had those times when you feel that you have betrayed yourself? I sure have.

Anyhow, can we really have a fixed personality? Can we always hate that person or always love that so and so. Can we be true to ourselves? Society has cast a shadow over our wretched lives, she has spurned a web of deciet and lies. She has forced us to conform, and labeled non-conformist as outkast of the society. When all this time, this people are the ones who are the true victors and we the outkast.

Well, the melancholic phased has past and back to the normal ways, for now. So till next time, adieu.


dAryloGy™ said...

yo man. excellent posts which are thought provoking. keep it up! =)

little.han said...

I totally agree with you....

Truly, do go listen to "Everybody's Fool" by evanescence if u have not already. It's a true but cynical reflection of the truth of the world.

and the post rox!=D