Thursday, November 09, 2006

Food for thought

'Sometimes we can be so superficial.'

I had arranged to have dinner with my parents and their friend today. It was the friend's birthday, and I had thought that we would be dining in some posh 5 diamond restaurant. So I had gleefully tagged along. Instead of that, we ended up eating Chinese food in some shop tucked away in Chinatown. When we reached there, I was pissed! I mean, I came all the way down to eat this? WTF?! (I was thinking all this while I was dressed in t-shirt and shorts) I had never thought to consider if the food was as any good or better than the environment that it was situated. It turned out the food was fantastic and the service was also good. I dare say that it is better than some hotels I have eaten, where the food is a total joke.

Well, I guess this event was a small situation to teach me the basic concept of not judging a book by it's cover. How can one compass the qualtity of the, in this case , the food without having tried it? How can we judge someone with out learning more about him/her and giving them a chance?

I think this anecedote is just a reflection on life, we never really see the joy that it has. We see a man with a big house and a Ferrari parked outside and we jump to the conclusion that he is one 'hellova' happy man. We see a man sweeping the floor and we think that he is a sad man who is forced to do this. We however forget to see the sorrow in the rich man's life and the satisfaction in the sweeper's life. In society, we should not stick with the 'in-crowd' and forsake our values, we should not be so shallow as that. Lets give everyone a chance and lets live life without jumping into stereotypes.

Another parting thought for another eventful day:
People are like food, you can never tell their true character with out tasting them.

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