Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Pondering Bus Thoughts....

Holidays have officially begun and it is time for some fun and to chill out and metally prep myself for the year ahead.

Interesting things happen on buses and I was a recipient of this interesting happening. I was in the bus and it was jammed pack with people. I was sitting on board and pondering over how these people might be feeling on board the bus as the cars whizzed by and as they pack themselves like sardines.

However, there was one constant thing that they shared. They all had these downcasted and stoned expression on their faces. There was no life at all! It's amzing how commitments and work can jsut sap the life out of us and leave us so weak and so 'stoned'. It is therefore my suggestions that we embrace life and for us to see another day as not just another 24 hours. Instead, we have to see it as another window of oppurtunities and another chance to experience what life has to offer.

So what if it is a work day or a school day? Does that mean that no happiness can be drawn from it? Does that mean that it will be void of any meaning? I think the answer begs the question. We have to embrace life, cause, who would know how much time we have left. Are you certain that you will be alive tommorrow? Can you be sure that you will still have your 2 legs a week from now?

The answer is clear. So we should enjoy life and every moment of it. We should not be so downcasted by work that we fail to appreciate the day that has unfolded. We should not let our life be slaves to conventions and dejections.

Ps: listen to 'Closer' by Goapele. It's damn chill out

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